Paraclete: A Word for Ministry Practice I think one of my favourite phrases for ministry with others is "to come alongside." Have you ever walked hand-in-hand beside someone and tried to do it out of rhythm? I dare you to try walking out of rhythm to the song Walking in Rhythm by the Blackbyrds. When you walk closely with someone,... Continue Reading →

My Line in the Sand: A Calling Story

I drew a figurative line in the sand.  I was thirteen and I knew I could go my own way...or God's way. Deep in my soul, I knew I needed to follow Jesus for the rest of my life. From that line I was baptized, I pursued my faith, I sunk myself into Scripture, I... Continue Reading →

ChatGPT on Family Challenges!

I asked ChatGPT, "What is the greatest challenge facing Christian families in Canada today?" Here's how it answered. What are your thoughts? "Identifying the greatest challenge facing Christian families in Canada, like any specific group, can be subjective and dependent on various factors. However, some challenges that Christian families in Canada may face include: Secularization... Continue Reading →

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